Mutter hält Kind im Arm

Global Parents

As a UNICEF Global Parent, you can give girls and boys worldwide a life, a chance and, above all, a secure future. Your regular, non-specific donation enables us to provide reliable aid where it is most urgently needed. 

Thank you.

  • every child is registered at birth and given a name and nationality;
  • malnourished children do not have to die;
  • children are protected from HIV/AIDS;
  • all children can go to school;
  • children are protected from exploitation and violence;
  • girls are given equal opportunities;
  • children in crisis areas are provided with rapid help, even in crises with low levels of media attention;
  • UNICEF implements sustainable, long-lasting development projects.

Als Global Parent unterstützen Sie zahlreiche Projekte. Dank unseren Global Parents konnten wir 2022 beispielsweise:  

Ein kleines Mädchen wird gefüttert.


Chad. Long periods of drought and floods are increasingly causing devastating crop failures in Chad. As a result, children’s lives are threatened by hunger and malnutrition. In the past few years crop yields have partly dropped by almost 50% while the number of children under five who suffer from severe acute malnutrition has increased dramatically. The country was hit by disastrous floods in August 2022. The government announced a food emergency. 

UNICEF has been working in Chad since 1961. Together with our partner organizations, we work tirelessly to provide medical care to malnourished children. For example, by providing ready-to-use therapeutic food (RUTF): a high-calorie and high-protein micronutrient paste made from peanuts. As there are no special storage or cooling requirements it can be used anywhere at any time. Today, the lives of millions of children are saved every year thanks to RUTF – in Chad and throughout the world.

Kinder sitzen zusammen und lachen.


Vietnam. More children than ever before now have access to education in Vietnam. Unfortunately, however, this does not apply to everyone: girls and boys from ethnic minorities, with disabilities or living in industrial areas go to school much less frequently. This affects their future prospects. During the COVID-19 pandemic, remote teaching also exposed the wide digital gap. In remote regions, 67 percent of learners do not have access to online education. Climate change, natural disasters, pandemics and environmental pollution also stunt children's cognitive performance and learning outcomes. UNICEF is working with the government and its partners to give children in Vietnam a better future: by offering quality education founded on child-centered and equality-oriented principles to all girls and boys. UNICEF provides technical support and promotes barrier-free and inclusive learning spaces. We also promote solar energy systems to support climate-resistant schools.

Zwei Buben halten sich lächelnd im Arm.

Emergency response

Pakistan. During the 2022 monsoon season, Pakistan had more than three times its usual rainfall. At the same time, glaciers were melting much faster than normal due to an intensive heatwave driven by climate change. As a result, Pakistan suffered the worst floods of the past decades. The floods destroyed schools, healthcare centers and water pipes, leaving 2.5 million children without access to clean drinking water. Eight million people were displaced. 

UNICEF was already on the ground and was immediately able to mount an emergency response. Up to June 2023, we provided, among other things, clean drinking water to 1,711,786 people, while 3,673,652 people benefited from our primary healthcare services. We supported 1,565 temporary learning centers to enable 258,617 children to continue learning in a safe and protected environment. The situation remains precarious in Pakistan. Our emergency response is ongoing. 

Kinder posieren für ein Bild.

Child protection

Burundi. Burundi is not only one of the most densely populated countries in Africa, it is also one of the poorest countries in the world. Almost half of the 12.8 million  people in Burundi are children.

Around 90 percent of girls and boys between the ages of one and 14 have already suffered some form of violence such as abuse, exploitation, human trafficking, child labor or sexual violence. Cooperation with the government is very important to effectively protect children in the long term. UNICEF is working with the Department of Social Assistance to implement effective country-wide measures to protect children. We also work to strengthen the institutional capacity of the child services department and show families and communities how they can protect their children against violence and abuse.

A small contribution with a big impact

For just CHF 20 a month, you can fund items such as:

  • 60 packages of specialized food for severely malnourished children;
  • 5,714 purification tablets for over 22,857 liters of clean water;
  • 3 emergency blankets for children caught up in humanitarian disasters.

Global Parents receive the Good News Global Parent Report once a year, together with information about the annual report of UNICEF Switzerland and Liechtenstein and a donation receipt.