Junge in Flüchtlingscamp.

How to help

There are a number of ways to support UNICEF and take action to improve the lives of children all over the world. You can support children with a general donation, donate to a specific themed program, participate in a variety of UNICEF projects or become part of UNICEF as a partner or patron.

Make a donation and give children targeted, sustainable support. Every contribution helps!

Join us and help us to improve the lives of children all over the world – as a member, project sponsor, global parent or participant in the Star Weeks campaign.

Become a partner or sponsor, whether as a corporate partner, foundation or individual. Help us to make sustainable improvements to the health, nutrition and education of children in the world's poorest countries.

A better world for every child. That is the vision of the United Nations Children’s Fund. UNICEF has been working towards this for more than 75 years. In Switzerland and Liechtenstein, our SQS ISO 9001 certificate guarantees that UNICEF Switzerland and Liechtenstein’s donation processes meet the current high-quality standards. 82,4 centimes from every franc donated therefore go directly toward the program work. We also use full encryption for the secure transmission of your data. UNICEF Switzerland and Liechtenstein works efficiently at all times and complies with the applicable provisions on data protection.

General donation

How much would you like to donate?