Junge sieht durch eine Lupe.


Dear UNICEF Friends

It’s totally understandable that you would like to know what happens to the donations you entrust to us. At UNICEF Switzerland and Liechtenstein we know how important it is to answer this question openly. 

Our goal is to use each franc as efficiently as possible. In 2023, 82.4 cents of each donated franc went directly to global aid projects so as to make the largest impact on the ground. Transparency is a top priority for us, and that’s why we explain every year how and where your donations have provided specific help in our UNICEF annual report.

We would like to thank you for your trust and the support that allows us to make a difference in the lives of children every day.

Bettina Junker_UNICEF
Unterschrift Junker

Bettina Junker
Executive Director
UNICEF Switzerland and Liechtenstein

UNICEF implements programs that benefit children in over 150 countries. National committees in 33 countries, including Switzerland and Liechtenstein, work hard to collect donations and promote the implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. This work is financed exclusively by contributions from companies, foundations, municipalities, cities, cantons, organizations, celebrities and the Federal government, as well as from private donations. 

UNICEF Switzerland and Liechtenstein at all times makes effective use of its donations. In 2023, UNICEF Switzerland and Liechtenstein, among others:  

  • provided sustainable assistance to programs in 35 countries, including initiatives in Switzerland and Liechtenstein  gave lifesaving assistance and distributed emergency supplies and other goods to 14 regions hit by disasters and crises
Auflistung Verwendung der Spendenerträge 2023

The lion’s share of the funds goes to programs and projects worldwide that provide direct support to children and their families. These include health and education programs, protective measures and immediate assistance in emergency situations. Part of the funds is also used for national advocacy work to promote political change and sustainably strengthen the rights of children.

A further share of the funds is invested in fundraising measures, including the organization of fundraisers, communication with donors and the raising of money.

A small share is used to cover the expenses incurred to ensure the smooth operation of the organization’s activities as well as quality assurance.

This breakdown shows how UNICEF efficiently uses its resources to help children everywhere in the world in emergency situations while simultaneously pursuing long-term development goals.

UNICEF operates the world’s biggest humanitarian supply and logistics center, headquartered in Copenhagen. This center distributes emergency supplies throughout the world to support children and families in need. 

These emergency supplies include water purification tablets, high-calorie peanut paste to combat acute malnutrition, and first aid kits for medical emergencies. These supplies are procured in order to provide needs-based and targeted on-site support. UNICEF supplies more than 5,000 different items that serve the needs of children everywhere in the world. 

Water purification tablets


Diseases such as diarrhea spread quickly in densely populated areas in particular, such as refugee camps and emergency shelters. Safe drinking water and hygiene are therefore crucial for the survival of such families. Water purification tablets are an essential part of UNICEF’s emergency response. Each tablet makes four to five liters of drinkable water.

Peanut paste

Plumpy Nut - Ernährungspräparat

In the aftermath of wars and long periods of drought, children are very badly affected by malnutrition. Not only do they not get enough to eat, but the food also lacks lifesaving nutrients, making them vulnerable to infections and developmental disorders. UNICEF helps children suffering from acute malnutrition by distributing nutritious peanut paste that is high in vitamins and minerals. This supplementary food strengthens their immune systems and promotes weight gain.


Erste-Hilfe-Kit von UNICEF mit der wichtigsten Grundausstattung wie Pflaster, Seife oder Verbandsklammern und -klebeband.

The first aid kits provide health workers with basic supplies to help in emergency situations: plaster, gauze, soap, dressings, gloves, aspirin, iodine solution and eye ointment. UNICEF makes sure that wounded and ill children receive help quickly, even under difficult conditions.

To provide some insight into the work done by UNICEF’s Supply Division, the video shows the daily process of procuring and distributing emergency supplies that are tailored to address problems specific to the place of delivery. True to its motto “Never give up,” UNICEF makes sure that help is provided where it is most urgently needed.

A better world for every child. That is the vision of the United Nations Children’s Fund. UNICEF has been working towards this for more than 75 years. In Switzerland and Liechtenstein, our SQS ISO 9001 certificate guarantees that UNICEF Switzerland and Liechtenstein’s donation processes meet the current high-quality standards. We also use full encryption for the secure transmission of your data. UNICEF Switzerland and Liechtenstein works efficiently at all times and complies with the provisions on data protection.

If you want to know more, read  our data privacy policy here.   

Digital Trust Label       ISO 9001

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