Zwei jungen in Kenia liegen unter einem Moskitonetz.

Ensuring survival

With your donation, you support UNICEF’s work in the field of survival. This includes, among other things, protecting children from malaria.

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Protecting children from malaria

Malaria poses a particular threat to the youngest: Children under five years old account for about three-quarters of all malaria deaths. In this age group alone, one child dies of the disease approximately every minute. In many countries, malaria is one of the main causes of high child mortality.

Malaria is a life-threatening disease that is transmitted by certain mosquitoes. The first signs of illness include fever, headache, fatigue and muscle aches. These symptoms are similar to flu-like symptoms and are frequently misinterpreted as such. If the mosquito-borne parasites are not detected in time, infection can lead to severe illness and death.

Children who survive malaria can become anemic, with impairments to their physical and mental development. The disease reduces the number of able-bodied workers, causes high health costs and fuels poverty, thus weakening entire populations.

Around half of the world’s population is at risk of contracting malaria. 249 million new cases were recorded in 2022, an increase from 231 million cases in 2017. 608,000 people died, with three-quarters of the victims being children. People who are infected with HIV or pregnant are at particular risk in addition to children. The African continent continues to have a disproportionately high share of malaria cases.

Mosquito nets impregnated with insecticides are effective protection against contracting malaria. When the use of such nets is combined with other protective measures like insect repellents, light-colored clothing that covers the skin and mosquito-free sleeping areas, the likelihood of infection drops significantly. Also, two malaria vaccines are now recommended by the WHO.

Ensuring survival

With your donation, you support UNICEF’s work in the field of survival. This includes, among other things, protecting children from malaria.

How much would you like to donate?

How UNICEF helps

UNICEF is committed to helping children through malaria prevention, diagnosis and treatment. These measures include:

  • Procurement and distribution of millions of impregnated mosquito nets annually as well as promotion of their local production. 
  • Information on healthy nutrition and the provision of food supplements as the regular intake of nutrients such as vitamin A and zinc increases children’s resistance to malaria.
  • For children aged between 3 and 59 months during the high-risk malaria transmission season, the monthly administration of highly effective medication that suppresses blood-stage infection.
  • Diagnostic support through the use of rapid diagnostic tests that can be easily administered anywhere.
  • Highly effective malaria tablets for infected children, to be taken twice daily for three days.
  • Important medications for mothers-to-be.
  • Delivery of the first malaria vaccine RTS,S to countries where the risk of contracting malaria is particularly high. This vaccine was first used on a large scale in high-risk countries such as Cameroon, Benin, Burkina Faso and Sierra Leone.

With your donation, you can support UNICEF in the fight against malaria. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts.