Ein kleines Mädchen hält einen leeren Kochtopf und weint.

Help the Children of Gaza

Your donation makes a difference! 

  • CHF 88 will enable the purchase of 60 transportable water canisters, each with a capacity of 10 litres
  • With 138 CHF you donate tablets for the purification of 30,000 litres of water 
  • With CHF 256, four families will receive first aid kits 
How much would you like to donate?

Help the Children of Gaza

The situation for Gaza’s children has turned catastrophic, with increasing hunger and disease. UNICEF is there on the ground, doing what it can to lessen the suffering of the children in Gaza and deliver as many emergency supplies as possible.

The horrific attack on a camp in Rafah at the end of May 2024 makes clear that there is no longer anywhere safe to go in Gaza. The attack killed women and children and seriously injured many more. 

The intense fighting and bombing in northern Gaza has led hundreds of thousands of children to seek safety in southern Gaza. The situation for them is now extremely critical: around 1.2 million people in Rafah – including 600,000 children – are living in cramped conditions and fearing for their lives.

Once again, UNICEF urgently calls for an immediate ceasefire, the unconditional release of all hostages and an end to the senseless killing of all children.

Kinder sitzen auf der Ladefläche eines Lastwagen in Rafah, Gaza.
Children sitting in the back of a truck during their displacement from areas witnessing an escalation in hostilities in Rafah, south of the Gaza Strip.

Since the devastating terror attacks on Israel by Hamas on October 7, it is the children who are suffering the most from the continued violence, although they bear no responsibility for it. In the Gaza Strip, which is now sealed off, the situation is worsening with each passing hour. There is not enough food, and children are dying from severe acute malnutrition and dehydration. The speed at which this catastrophic child malnutrition crisis in Gaza has unfolded is shocking. 

Catherine Russel

“We are doing everything we can to avert a worsening of the humanitarian crisis in Gaza, but it is not enough. An immediate humanitarian ceasefire continues to provide the only chance to save children’s lives and end their suffering.” 

UNICEF Executive Director Catherine Russell

The people of Gaza lack essential food, clean drinking water and electricity since the attacks and the interruption to all supply routes. Many buildings lie in ruins. The air strikes and bombings in the conflict area have destroyed important infrastructure, including hospitals and schools. There is almost no way to treat children’s injuries. The hospitals are overflowing, have no fuel for emergency generators and are running out of medical supplies.

Shaima, 5, Gazastreifen

“I was at home with my family.  We children were playing a card game. My father had just made a fire outside and my mother wanted to cook pasta. Suddenly, bombs fell on the neighbor’s house and a piece of burning metal hit me. I looked down at my hand, but it was cut off at the elbow. My father stopped a passing car to take me to the hospital. But there were bombs falling in the street and I lost my leg. I wish I could have my hand and my leg back so that I could play with other children again.” This is how five-year-old Shaima from Gaza City describes the most horrifying hours of her young life. Now she wants to become a journalist so that she can tell the world about attacks on children in Gaza. 

We are currently receiving many queries about the situation of the children in the Middle East and the work we are doing there. You can find the answers here:

UNICEF condemns the violence in the strongest possible terms and is working to ensure the protection of all children. UNICEF appeals to all parties to comply with international humanitarian law and therefore calls for:

  • An immediate ceasefire and end to the violence;
  • The immediate and unconditional release of all hostages;
  • The opening of all border crossings to Gaza and safe, permanent and unrestricted access for humanitarian aid, including water, food, medical supplies and fuel;
  • Respect for and protection of the civilian infrastructure such as housing, electricity, water, healthcare and sanitary facilities;
  • The provision of medical care to prevent the outbreak of disease and ensure proper care for the sick and wounded;
  • In urgent cases, the evacuation of patients from Gaza or the provision of important healthcare services on site.

Before the latest outbreak of violence in October, some 2.1 million people in Gaza and the West Bank, including 1.1 million children, depended on humanitarian aid. UNICEF has been working throughout Palestine for many years and is dedicated to providing access to services and protection for all children.

During the current crisis, the UNICEF staff are working to meet the urgent needs of the children in all of Gaza, but access is becoming ever more difficult and dangerous. UNICEF staff are continuing their efforts in the south of Gaza to provide humanitarian aid to children, e.g. clean drinking water, medical care and psychosocial support.

UNICEF has been active in Israel since 2009 through the Israeli Fund for UNICEF. This is a national UNICEF committee, comparable to the Committee for UNICEF Switzerland and Liechtenstein. In high-income countries such as Israel, Switzerland and Liechtenstein, the state itself takes care of the program work done or supported by UNICEF in low-income countries. Such countries therefore do not mandate UNICEF to develop and implement programs for children. The work of the national committees focuses on raising funds and providing support in implementing the Convention on the Rights of the Child at the political level rather than at a program level. This is why UNICEF is not calling for donations for children living in Israel.

Since the start of the horrific conflict, UNICEF has been on the ground in the Gaza Strip, working around the clock despite the difficult situation, to provide urgently needed humanitarian aid to children and their families. We are working to provide children and families in Gaza with: 

  • Nutrition: Distribution of provisions and care through therapeutic food
  • Health: Medical care and distribution of medical supplies
  • Water, sanitation and hygiene: Provision of safe drinking water, sanitary facilities and hygiene items
  • Child protection: Establishment of child friendly spaces and psychosocial care

Before, during, and after the ceasefire. UNICEF stands in solidarity with the children affected and their families. We won't stop. For every child.

Help the Children of Gaza

Your donation makes a difference! 

  • CHF 88 will enable the purchase of 60 transportable water canisters, each with a capacity of 10 litres
  • With 138 CHF you donate tablets for the purification of 30,000 litres of water 
  • With CHF 256, four families will receive first aid kits 
How much would you like to donate?