
Welcome to UNICEF

You recently spoke with one of our canvassers. We hope you had a pleasant conversation, and we are delighted to hear that you want to join us in helping the world’s children. Thank you for supporting us.

With your regular donation, you enable us to provide reliable aid and support UNICEF day after day where help is needed most urgently. We can only overcome today’s challenges and help children effectively by working together.

During your conversation, you already found out about some of our projects and goals. Choose one of the two topics you would like to know more about: 

How did you find the conversation with our canvasser? Is there anything we could do better? We look forward to receiving your feedback.

Feedback form

UNICEF has been conducting information stand and door-to-door campaigns for several years, providing information and raising awareness about our work and ongoing projects. 

These campaigns are carried out by Corris AG/Lazoona on behalf of UNICEF Switzerland and Liechtenstein.